GLOW Kids (Ages 4-11)

Directors: Jeremiah & Brittany McLaurin

Welcome to GLOW Kids!

GLOW (Go Light Our World) Kids is the place to be for children ages 4-11 at our church! Led by Bro. Jeremiah and Sis. Brittany McLaurin as the directors, and supported by Bro. Armand and Sis. Darian Falgoust as assistant directors, GLOW Kids offers a vibrant and nurturing environment for young hearts to grow in faith.

What We Offer:

  • Super Kids Church: Every Sunday at 10 am, join us for an exciting time of worship, interactive learning, and engaging activities tailored just for kids.
  • Monthly Kids Night: Get ready for fun-filled evenings with games, crafts, and laughter as we come together for our monthly Kids Night.
  • Kids Camp: Experience the adventure of Kids Camp, where friendships blossom and faith grows through outdoor activities, worship, and inspiring teachings.
  • Kids Revivals: Join us as we attend special Kids Revivals, where children encounter God in a powerful and meaningful way.
  • Super Sunday Events: Throughout the year, we celebrate with special Super Sunday events that bring together families and kids for memorable experiences.

At GLOW Kids, we believe in nurturing a foundation of faith, love, and joy in each child's life. It's more than just a kids' program; it's a place where children can shine brightly and impact their world for Christ.

Come be a part of our GLOW Kids family!




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